Databricks Notes

Tips and tricks for using databricks platform


1 minute read

Using external files in databricks community edition

In this section, I am going to provide information on how to add external files in databricks community edition and then use these files in notebooks. For the demo, we are going to use Auto-mpg dataset](

  1. Download the Auto-mpg dataset dataset from Kaggle.
  2. The donwloaded file will be a zip file so extract it to obtain auto_mpg.csv.
  3. Log in to databricks community edition.
  4. After login, click on the Data section from the left side navigation bar.
  5. In the sub menu, click on the Create Table button.

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  1. You will be navigated to Create New Table UI.

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  1. Insert the directory name and then upload the file(s) that needs to be uploaded.

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  1. Navigate to a notebook and use the code snippet below to use the uploaded file.
df ="csv").option("header", True).load("/FileStore/tables/auto-mpg/auto_mpg.csv")


The above command will create a dataframe from the file we uploaded.