Cube js with duckdb

Using local duckdb instance with cube js


3 minute read

In this article, I am going to walk you through the process of using duckdb local instance with cube js. For smaller data sets, cube js sementic layer can be employed to drive any supported BI tool. A general workflow would be using excel files to load data in duckdb and using that data with a BI tool can add a lot of value for a small data team.

Docker Tutorial

Docker for python developers


7 minute read

Docker is used widely among software development teams across the globe. It has become a norm for software developers to use docker for rapid application development. In this article I will be covering basics of docker, commonly used terms and concepts around docker. I will be doing the steps/commands on macos and python project. But the concepts can be applied to other projects as well.

Using S3 to invoke AWS Lambda

Setting up AWS Lambda Function


8 minute read

Serverless computing has become very popular in recent years. Serverless computing allows teams/organizations to develop an application without worrying about the server. Official AWS documentation describes it as - Run Code Without Thinking About Servers. There are many use cases in which serverless computing can be beneficial over the traditional approach. If done in the right way, it can also help small teams save money on infrastructure.