SQL Learning Resources

Collection of various SQL related materials for learning


1 minute read

As someone who works with data, learning SQL is super important. It’s like the ABCs of data stuff! You’ll use SQL in lots of places, so it’s crucial to get really good at it. Especially in the world of big data, there’s this cool thing called Spark SQL that lets you use your SQL skills to do all sorts of important tasks. In this blog, I’m putting together a bunch of helpful resources about SQL. And guess what? I’ll keep adding more stuff as I find it! So, keep…


6 minute read

Sasan Gir, a mesmerizing destination nestled in the Saurashtra region of Gujarat, India, is renowned for its thriving population of the majestic Asiatic lions. Having journeyed to this captivating wilderness in the last week of October, I was greeted by an awe-inspiring landscape brimming with diverse flora and fauna. With its rugged terrain and rich biodiversity, Sasan Gir beckons to all wildlife enthusiasts and nature lovers alike, offering a unique opportunity to witness the grace and power…