Create Pandas Dataframe on Databricks

Workaround to read csv from DBFS using pandas


1 minute read


I had some issue reading a csv directly on the databricks community edition. So after going through some articles, I finally found the workaround. Databricks has disabled to use csv directly for pandas as you may encounter FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory:.


You need to copy the file from dbfs to a temp directory and after that you should be able to create a pandas dataframe. Here is a code snippet for the same.

dbutils.fs.cp("/FileStore/tables/games/vgsales.csv", "file:///tmp/vgsales.csv")

pandas_df = pd.read_csv("file:///tmp/vgsales.csv")

cp command will copy the file from dbfs to temp and then you can leverage pandas on the databricks platform.

