Renaming columns in pyspark

Renaming Columns in a dataframe


1 minute read


This article with cover various ways of renaming columns in spark dataframe. For the demo, we are going to use Auto-mpg dataset available from kaggle.

Code is available on my github. Feel free to download and play around with it.

Here I am trying to list down variations of the code which can be used based on the scenario. Use this as a reference and also refer to the github notebook for better understanding of the code snippets.

Creating a dataframe

df ="csv").option("header", True).load("/FileStore/tables/Auto-mpg/auto_mpg.csv")

Rename using Select

#Using alias with select["`car name`"].alias("name")).show()"`car name`").alias("name")).show()"car name"),lit("-"),col("model year")).alias("car_details")).show()

# Changing multiple column names"mpg").alias("mpg1"),col("car name").alias("name")).show()["mpg"].alias("mpg1"),df["car name"].alias("name")).show()

Rename using withColumn

Ideal to use withColumn with column transformations.

#withColumn usage. Using select to see the result else entire df will be displayed.
df.withColumn("car_details",concat(col("car name"),lit("-"),col("model year"))).select("car_details").show() 
df.withColumn("year",col("model year")).select("year","car name").show()

#Expected Error as String is not a valid argument.
df.withColumn("year", "model year") 

df.withColumn("year", df["model year"]).show()

#withColumn to perform a transformation on mpg column.
df.withColumn("mpg", col("mpg").cast("int")).withColumn("mpg+2", col("mpg") + 2).select("mpg","mpg+2").show()

Rename using withColumnRenamed

df.withColumnRenamed("mpg", "mpg1").show()

#Changing multiple column names using chaining withColumnRenamed
df.withColumnRenamed("mpg", "mpg1").withColumnRenamed("car name", "name").show()

Rename using toDF

Ideal for changing multiple column names*["car_mpg","car_cylinders","car_displacement","car_horsepower","car_weight","car_acceleration","car_model year","car_origin","car_name"]).show()

# Changing a subset of column names
column_name = ["mpg","cylinders","displacement"]
desired_column_names= ["car_mpg","car_cylinders","car_displacement"]*desired_column_names).show()